
Google Chat

I've noticed several people (some of which who I actually DID wanna get in touch with) have requested that I Google Chat with them. I'd like everyone (who hopefully is reading this) to know that if you request to Google Chat with me, I'm not ignoring you if I don't get back to you instantly or at all. There are two very good reasons why I hardly EVAH Google Chat:
1. Google isn't the most-advanced hardware in the Home Depot (that's called a metaphor, kiddies). I'm ALWAYS signed in to Google, unless I'm gone for a long vacation from home (which, unlucky for you, I rarely do). Which means that Google shows me as online, even if I'M NOT EVEN ON GOOGLE. That's right, kiddies: Google is LYING TO YOU. However, while I am rarely on Google, I am always on my e-mail (unless I'm not home, of course). So, if you would like to Google Chat me, e-mail me first so that I don't find out about it a week later. (My e-mail, which I have posted everywhere, is mythlover@comcast.net)
2. I have less knowledge of how to Google Chat than a chimpanzee in the Amazon which has never even seen or heard-of Google (and personally, Google Chat gives me nightmares). (That's right, kiddies. More metaphors.) Please bare with me on this: the first time I ever tried to Google Chat was when my cousin Ashley requested me to. So, I clicked that I would do it. Three hours later, and I was still on freakin' Step 1 on How to Google Chat. (One thing that still puzzles me is why Step 1 seemed to have about 30,496 sub-steps.) Most of these sub-steps included the same questions over and over: Do you have a Gmail? Why don't you have a Gmail? Sir, why are you rocking back and forth crying in fetal position (I've only asked you this 30,495 times)? So yeah, apparently Google wasn't satisfied that I had a Google account, but I apparently also had to have a Gmail. While I'm on (slightly) better terms with Google Chat now (I use it sometimes), I still kinda get nightmares about it. So please, gimme a break. I'm just a (not-so)little (adolescent)boy!
So, there's my explanation for why I'm not so great with Google Chat. Have a nice day.


The Classical Club short: The Good Samaritan

Inspired by God to make this the first Classical Club short. Here we go!
All art and text copyright (C) JakobDailes and "The Classical Club(R)" All usage of this art or text (or both) must be alerted to JakobDailes (mythlover@comcast.net) and copyrighted with his name or his company's name.
Certain small details inspired by LordGodsServant on YouTube.
B.T.W. Think Jesus was a good teacher or person but not the "Messiah" or "Son of God"? Comment below.